0d0a jacobs

Author's posts

Radiomakers not using the playlist pc

Please pause audacious during your show. Doing show will prevent updating current song/artist information. If you want your show to also show artist/song info then adjust /tmp/output.txt with your information after having paused audacious  … The expected format is artist – song or whatever info as long as there is a ” – ” somewhere! …

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Slowly working my brain

Fwd: patapoe

Subject: Re: patapoe  Bij deze de nieuwe stand (1 augustus 2017) en de oproep dat er betaald moet worden want de OT schuld loopt te ver op. Dan gaan ze weer zeuren en zo even weer een financieel praatje over PtP. Over de afgelopen maanden is er nog steeds te weinig geld binnen gekomen. Ik …

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Fwd: TRANSEUROPA 2017 – Convergent Spaces is ready!

We are very excited to launch today the new website of TRANSEUROPA 2017! TRANSEUROPA is an unusual artistic and political festival that attracts active participants from across Europe through a descentralised event in one city. The 2017 edition, Convergent Spaces, will take place in the city of Madrid from the 25th – 29th of October. …

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Transit in Hamburg

0d0a schaltet von fcmc nach fsk usw. Bleib dran auf https://radiopatapoe.nl:8000/raspberryhat . UnsereWelt nicht die Welt der wenigen … Abschalten kann man ja immer! 


  consensusdecisionmaking posted: ” 4 Afghan men are facing direct deportation to Afghanistan, something that didn’t happen since 2009 in France. All of them have been arrested at the train station of Calais on May 10th, and transfered to the Mesnil-Amelot detention center near Paris. 4 f” URGENT!! IMMINENT DEPORTATIONS FROM FRANCE TO AFGHANISTAN // …

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Presse Mitteilung

pressekonferenz der G20 Gegner 16. Juni 2017 *G20 Gegner veranstalten letzte Aktionskonferenz in der Roten Flora* *Einladung zum Pressekonferenz* * Samstag, 17. Juni 2017, 19h* *Vor der Roten Flora (***Achid***i-John-Platz 1, 20357 Hamburg)* HAMBURG Am Samstag findet die letzte Aktionskonferenz der G20 Gegner mit dem Motto ‘3-2-1-GO: Kick Off für die Aktionen gegen G20’ in …

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Van de penningmeester

dag allen. het is weer zo een beetje de halfjaarlijkse collecte van de ptp penningen. Ik heb momenteel 375 in kas, de lijst stuur ik mee, maar ik heb minstens 700 euro nodig voor de OT en DDS. De OT is 625 per half jaar en dds is plus minus 150 per half jaar. Bijn …

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What makes Corbyn different


vh Taal & teken.

From http://android.vshare.com/Radio-Patapoe-Live-Stream-App

Description Listen to Amsterdams Radio Patapoe’s Live Stream with this app.In 1985 a -punkrock only- radio station was started under the doomsday name “Dood” (Death). The punks slogan for the shows was “insult as much people as you can”When the station stopped throwing their (non) politics in the air two years later because of different …

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Crimintern: How the Kremlin uses Russia’s criminal networks in Europe

  Mark Galeotti posted: “My latest report for the ECFR is out. While I am waiting for the bidding war for the film rights, I’ll settle for pointing people in its direction – you can download it free here – and offer up the summary: Over the past 20 years, the role of Russian or” …

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De Correspondent: interview met professor Jacobs

Over economie: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/de-correspondent/id924429487?l=en&mt=2&i=384184720 the white rider (Het leuke van … is 

Dismantling neoliberal education: a lesson from the Zapatistas

Check this out: https://roarmag.org/essays/neoliberal-education-zapatista-pedagogy/ the white rider (Het leuke van … is 

Just what?