michel jacobs

Author's posts

what to do in case of police violence calais migrants solidarity (click to read pdf)

fuckoffai.eu (click to play)


Surveillance as a Service: The Global Impact of Israeli “Defense” Technologies on Privacy and Human Rights

Highlighting, exposing, and actively working against the proliferation and normalization of surveillance technology is crucial in protecting human rights worldwide. At the Tor Project, we know that it is through collective awareness and action that we can all build and contribute to privacy-preserving technologies that aim to protect people everywhere from the prevalence of surveillance …

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kleur-doeboek! click to play video

Niet iedereen .. click to view

Patapoe serieus, je maintiendrai presents:

Coming thursday, razende reporter over Amerikaans geweld op Roeterseiland

FEBRUARY 19, 2024 Jury convicts Ibrahima Bah: statement from Captain Support UK

Portrait of Ibrahima Bah, drawn by A., his friend, in court. Statement by Captain Support Following a three-week trial, Ibrahima Bah, a teenager from Senegal, has been convicted by an all-white jury at Canterbury Crown Court. The jury unanimously found him guilty of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and by a 10-2 majority of …

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build your own patapoe transmitter! Clicking the link in the post will download the instructions!

build tur own transmiter with a pi zer0

Der scharlachrote buchstabe; Wim Wenders

Yanis Varoukis (YouTube Böhmermann)

Stop de gifroute Nederland exporteert gif!

Ook Nederland exporteert verboden middelen Uit onderzoek in 2023 blijkt dat Nederland in 2021 op de 5e plaats stond van EU-landen die een bepaalde groep verboden pesticiden (neonicotinoïden) exporteren: 1.695 ton gif werd vanuit ons land geëxporteerd naar o.a. Cuba en Zambia. Dat Nederland meewerkt aan deze grote gifroute is onbestaanbaar. En we hoeven niet …

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