The other
Category: Geen categorie
monofueralle Giessen
We are here: gemeente Amsterdam ontruimt ondanks belofte niet te ontruimen voor leegstand
Heden, 2 april 2019 is het pand Bijlmerplein 96 door de politie ontruimd. Het was sinds 10 februari gekraakt door dakloze vluchtelingen van Wij Zijn Hier. Het pand Bijlmerplein 96 stond sinds 1 juni 2017 leeg (bijna 2 jaar). Eigenaar CBRE is een dienstverlenende organisatie voor vastgoedspeculatie. Speculatie houdt vaak in dat leegstand gunstig is …
Risk of deportation
FRANÇAIS plus bas Gibril is a person from Sudan detained since February, 26th, in the administrative detention center (CRA) of Coquelles (near Calais, just across the street of the EuroTunnel terminal). He was transferred there after having been arrested for a minor offence roughly a month before, and was made to see the embassy of …
In Moscow’s Shadows
One of my regrets of 2017 was, for reasons beyond my control, not getting to speak at the Yeltsin Centre in Ekaterinburg. I confess I am not the greatest fan of Yeltsin-the-Man – for all his successes bringing down the USSR and crushing some of its more unpleasant remnants, he was a …
Detainees on hunger strike in several cra in France
ADM persbericht
PERSBERICHT Amsterdam 9 januari 2019 Gemeente Amsterdam constateert grootschalige vernietiging Gemeenschap ADM Burgemeester Halsema van Amsterdam heeft vandaag via buurtregisseur Ferry den Edel en de zichtbaar aangedane ambtenaar Ivar Schreurs de constatering ontvangen dat het merendeel van de aan onze Gemeenschap ADM behorende, woningen, eigendommen en werkplaatsen gisteren ‘door derden’ zijn vernietigd. De door gemeente …
Fwd: [New post] Délibéré du procès du 4 // Result of court case
Seven people were tried on Tuesday for charges of degradation and refusing to provide DNA and fingerprints following the illegal evictions of two squats almost one year ago. There were only two convictions out of the total fifteen charges. They were for two people refusing to give DNA and fingerprints in the first case, and the …
Схрон из бочки на 100 литров
Cach from the barrel per 100 liters skhron.00.miniAnarchists often wonder: “Where and how to keep things prohibited by the state?”. Someone may come to mind the word “caches.” But in fact, few people know what a real partisan caches. Among the anarchists, it is realistic to meet only a few who use caches. Today, culture …
Fwd: [New post] Le régime frontalier de Calais : extrait en français du livre “UK Border Regime” de Corporate Watch
consensusdecisionmaking posted: “La version française du chapitre “Calais : l’environnement hostile ultime” du livre “UK Border Regime”, écrit par Corporate Watch, est maintenant disponible en version PDF. Ce chapitre est une version réduite des informations compilées dans le site web C” New post on Calais Migrant Le régime frontalier de Calais : extrait en français … video heeft Weckruf für Afrin geüpload Karfreitag, 5:00h morgens. … 2:26 Weckruf für Afrin Je krijgt deze e-mail omdat je hebt aangegeven dat je updates wilt ontvangen van Als je geen updates meer wilt ontvangen, kun je je hier afmelden. © 2018 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA …
Fwd: [New post] Solidarity with the #Stansted15
consensusdecisionmaking posted: ” On Monday the 19th of March, the trial of fifteen people involved in disrupting a Titan Airways deportation flight from Stansted airport in March 2017 will begin at Chelmsford Crown Court in Essex, UK. If found guilty, the maximum sentence they face is l” Solidarity with the #Stansted15 by consensusdecisionmaking On Monday the …
Fwd: [New post] Death at the border // Mort à la frontière
consensusdecisionmaking posted: “A 25 years old young man was found dead, stabbed, in Calais yesterday afternoon, Saturday, 17 March. This is the second known death from the Calais border in 2018. There will be a memorial gathering today Sunday, 6.30, at Parc Richelieu. Un jeun” New post on Calais Migrant Solidarity Death at the …