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Patapoe serieus, je maintiendrai presents:

Coming thursday, razende reporter over Amerikaans geweld op Roeterseiland

journalists and socalled “citizen journalists” arrested in Los Angeles despite prptection by 1st amandment

Los Angeles mat 6th, journalists detained

Patapoe was er Bij

Beings and happenings

Historisch bewuastzijn

The Ukranian question occupied an important place in the politics of prince Adam Czartoryski, the uncrownded king of the Polish emigration. Franciszek Duchinski, a nobleman from Kyiv who was close to Czartoryski in Paris, wrote in an appeal to the peoples of Europe: “To the Dnipro! To the Dnipro! To Kyiev! Oh, Peoples of Europe! …

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XR A10 27 4 2024, onze razende reporter was erbij

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Monitoring CRA Coquelles

Racist comments from judges and prosecutors, lawyers refusing to defend detainees, interpreters distorting translations, cops leaving visitors waiting for several hours, broken telephone booths… In Coquelles like in other administrative detention centers (CRA), violence, mistreatment and other rights violations are daily occurrences. Faced with this, let’s no longer remain isolated! This form allows you to …

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Milan arirport blocked

Police surveillance: protect yourself from your phone and Whatsapp!

Aussi disponible en français. هذا النص متوفر أيضا باللغة العربية At the French-British border, as elsewhere, there are numerous indications that the French police are remotely monitoring the content of the Whatsapp communications of many people, particularly those they suspect of wanting to cross the border clandestinely. Numerous investigations are underway at the French-British border …

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FEBRUARY 19, 2024 Jury convicts Ibrahima Bah: statement from Captain Support UK

Portrait of Ibrahima Bah, drawn by A., his friend, in court. Statement by Captain Support Following a three-week trial, Ibrahima Bah, a teenager from Senegal, has been convicted by an all-white jury at Canterbury Crown Court. The jury unanimously found him guilty of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and by a 10-2 majority of …

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Alexey Navalny died today February 16th 2024; 47 years old

Hij gaf zijn leven voor de vrijheid van allen …

build your own patapoe transmitter! Clicking the link in the post will download the instructions!

build tur own transmiter with a pi zer0


“In Duitsland zal er nooit revolutie komen omdat je daarvoor het gras moet betreden. Lenin” Excerpt From Het achtste leven (voor Brilka) Nino Haratischwili This material may be protected by copyright.


“Revoluties kenmerkten zich altijd door onbeleefdheid, waarschijnlijk omdat de heersende klassen niet tijdig de moeite namen het volk goede manieren bij te brengen. Trotski” Excerpt From Het achtste leven (voor Brilka) Nino Haratischwili This material may be protected by copyright.

Der scharlachrote buchstabe; Wim Wenders