Vitale processen
Vitale processen
Voor Nederland gelden altijd al bedrijven die processen hebben die zijn aangemerkt als vitaal. Ook als je een onmisbare functie vervult ten behoeve van een van deze vitale processen, kun je een beroep doen op de opvang. Het gaat om circa 100 bedrijven die hier al van op de hoogte zijn.
- Landelijk transport en distributie elektriciteit
- Regionale distributie elektriciteit
- Gasproductie, landelijk transport en distributie
- Regionale distributie gas
- Olievoorziening
- Internet- en datadiensten
- ICT/telecom
- Internettoegang en dataverkeer
- Spraakdienst en SMS
- Plaats- en tijdsbepaling middels GNSS
- Drinkwatervoorziening
- Drinkwater
- Keren en beheren waterkwantiteit
- Vlucht- en vliegtuigafhandeling
- Scheepvaartafwikkeling
- Grootschalige productie/verwerking en/of opslag (petro)chemische stoffen
- Opslag, productie en verwerking nucleair materiaal
- Toonbankbetalingsverkeer
- Massaal giraal betalingsverkeer
- Hoogwaardig betalingsverkeer tussen banken
- Effectenverkeer
- Communicatie met en tussen hulpdiensten middels 112 en C2000
- Inzet politie
- Basisregistraties personen en organisaties B Digitale overheids-processen
- Interconnectiviteit (transactie-infrastructuur voor informatie uit basisregistraties)
- Elektronisch berichtenverkeer en informatieverschaffing aan burgers
- Identificatie en authenticatie van burgers en bedrijven
- Inzet defensie
Grup Yorum on hungerstrike source:
Grup Yorum members İbrahim Gökçek and Helin Bölek, who have been on indefinite hunger strike and in critical condition, were forcibly taken by an ambulance to the Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital for “forced intervention” following a police raid into the “Resistance House” from where they continue their strike action. The police blockaded the hospital, clearing everyone out except for Bölek and Gökçek’s family. Two musicians are being held in the hospital with the decision of the Istanbul 18th Magistrates’ Court based on Article 432 of the Turkish Civil Code on the basis of ” having a mental illness, mental weakness, alcohol or drug addiction, infectious disease or stupor with severe danger”.
In a statement, the People’s Law Bureau (Halkın Hukuk Bürosu – HHB) said their clients were abducted and the Counter-Terrorism Department refused to reveal their whereabouts. For six hours HHB lawyers could not reach their clients, who are at a critical stage of indefinite hunger strike, checking each and every hospital in search of them. HHB also noted that police officers from the Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Departments raided into their clients’ house, rifling through for two hours during which they handcuffed behind the back and tortured their clients, family members, and companions present in the house.
HHB said their clients were in good condition, yet the police were waiting in the doorway of their clients’ hospital room and there was an ongoing threat of forced intervention. HHB also reported that Gökçek and Bölek had signed a document, declaring they would not accept any intervention in case they fell into a coma.
Between 2000-2007 forced intervention disabled over 300 people and – in later stages of hunger strike – it claimed lives reported HHB, adding that forced intervention amounts to murder
Fwd: Save encryption
This is a friendly message from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Members of Congress have mounted a major threat to your security online.
The Graham-Blumenthal bill deals with the very serious issue of child exploitation online, but it offers no meaningful solutions. It doesn’t help organizations that support victims. It doesn’t equip law enforcement agencies with resources to investigate claims of child exploitation or training in how to use online platforms to catch perpetrators. Rather, the bill’s authors have used defending children as the pretense for an attack on our free speech and security online.
Bottom line: the Graham-Blumenthal bill would give the Attorney General far too much power to dictate how Internet companies must operate. We all know how AG William Barr would use that power: to break encryption.
Barr has repeatedly insisted that communications platforms should undermine their own security in order to give law enforcement agencies access to our private messages. The Graham-Blumenthal bill would finally give Barr the power to demand that those platforms obey him or face serious repercussions, including both civil and criminal liability. Barr’s demands would put encryption providers like WhatsApp and Signal in an awful conundrum: either face the possibility of losing everything in a single lawsuit or knowingly undermine their users’ security, making all of us more vulnerable to criminals.
The so-called EARN IT Act is anti-speech, anti-security, anti-innovation, and unnecessary. Let’s tell Congress to reject it.
Stop the Graham-Blumenthal BillThank you,
Elliot Harmon
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier FoundationSupport our work to defend free speech and security online
About EFF
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading organization protecting civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, we defend free speech online, fight illegal surveillance, promote the rights of digital innovators, and work to ensure that the rights and freedoms we enjoy are enhanced, rather than eroded, as our use of technology grows. EFF is a member-supported organization. Find out more at
Activism | Impact Litigation | Technology
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ANF | Autonomous administration welcomes people from Idlib
the white rider
(Het leuke van … is weten op reis te zijn
Fwd: a41 – ingekomen stuk derde – aandacht voor wijzigingsvoorstel telecomwet.pdf
daarna wordt het interessanter
De stad Brussel heeft onlangs besloten af te zien van 5G:”Het is voor mij ondenkbaar zulke technologie toe te laten als ik niet kan verzekeren dat we de burgers kunnen beschermen. Brusselaars zijn geen laboratoriumratten, wier gezondheid ik inruil voor winst.” aldus de minister
20.000 satelieten extra !!!
Ter vergelijking: sinds 1957 zijn er in totaal 8.378 satellieten gelanceerd en de hoeveelheid ruimtepuin (o.a. afkomstig van deze satellieten) is nu al gigantisch. (Bron: UNOOSA – kantoor van Verenigde Naties voor Outer Space Affairs)
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en klik weer op de link om de pdf te lezen. (Excuses voor het ongemak)!