Wito wa kuchukua – Juni 20 – Siku ya Wakimbizi Ulimwenguni – Toleo la Kiswahili




solicoast posted: ” from Coasts in Solidarity Hakuna mtu ni haramu, milele! –Fungua mipaka yenu, fungua mecho yenu! Wito wa kuchukua hatua Juni 20, 2020 – Siku ya Wakimbizi Ulimwenguni – Shiriki hapa! Corona anatuzuia kukutana – kwa hivyo tutatawanyika badala yake!”


Neêrlands ambassadeur: ind in de fout

Interessant vorig jaar waren wij aanwezig bij de vragen aan de tweede kamer (interpellatiedebat).


Testimonials / Témoignages


solicoast posted: ” Coasts in Solidarity AUDIO and/et VIDEO: www.gettingthevoiceout.org/category/testimonies/?lang=en_uk conference with testimonies of women without papers and violence (filmed by sanspapierstv) zintv.org/video/sous-co


Calls for action / Appels aux actions


solicoast posted: ” Coasts in Solidarity On this page you will find the call for action in several languages:Arabic, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Italian, Paschtu, Spanish, Suaheli / Sur cette page vous allez trouver l’appel aux actions dans des langues div”


Coasts in Solidarity


consensusdecisionmaking posted: “Coasts in Solidarity will take place on June 20th 2002 during the World Refugee Day More information: Calls / Appels Testimonies / Témoignages News in English ”


Calais, barbed wire city / Calais, ville barbelée


consensusdecisionmaking posted: “Since February 2020, only a couple months after the public transport had become free in the city of Calais, reports started coming that some bus stops were ignored altough people were standing at the sign, waving at the driver. As people themselves report”


CRA Coquelles fermé / detention centre in Coquelles closed down


consensusdecisionmaking posted: “On se félicite du maintien de la fermeture du CRA de Coquelles, vide depuis plus d’un mois. De trop nombreuses personnes y étaient enfermées par la criminalisation de leur situation administrative, trop de déportations ont eu lieu, des grèves de la faim, ”


Border, crossings / Frontière, passages


consensusdecisionmaking posted: “Since 1994, when the Channel Tunnel rail link was opened, Britain and France have been permanently connected by 48kms of underwater tunnel. Like all large-scale infrastructure developments of this type, the Eurotunnel / Eurostar has progressively accelera”


Prefecture, trust and evictions / Préfecture, confiance et expulsions


consensusdecisionmaking posted: “The strict lockdown finished in France last Monday, May 11th, but restrictive measures are still in place. The day after, the police came (once again) to destroy shelters, and steal stuff from migrants. But this time, not “only” to clear some areas to con”


Live From The Field

SofA Münster (@SofA_MS) Tweeted:
13 Waggons sind soeben durch den Güterbahnhof Münster gefahren Click for short video


the white rider

(Het leuke van … is weten op reis te zijn

Coronavirus; Housing and Evictions in Calais

consensusdecisionmaking posted: ” For more than two weeks now, France has been on lock-down. With most French people unable to leave their homes, migrants in Calais are still being evicted from theirs. Human Rights Observers in Calais have counted 45 evictions since March 17th. A poli”


Fwd: [New post] C

Alert: ms Michail Dudin geladen met verarmd uranium maandag in Amsterdam

Reported ETA: 2020-04-30 19:00 LT (UTC +2)

Calculated ETA:


Calculated ETA at:


Predictive ETD:



Reported Destination: AMSTERDAM

Distance Travelled:


Distance to Go:


Total Voyage Distance:


Time to Destination:


Draught (Reported/Max): 3.3 m /


Load Condition:


Speed recorded (Max / Average): 8.9 knots / 6.8 knots

5g why we will not accept it

The city of Brussels has in fact banned 5G because its radiation standards are ten times higher than WHO and even the EU.

Switzerland, who was at the forefront of 5G roll-out, has now switched 5G off in its country.

Totnes, a small town in Devon, England, has declared a kind of moratorium on 5G. I believe Glastonbury, also in the UK, has stopped 5G roll-out in its Town too.

There are no studies that can demonstrably prove that 5G will be safe to humans or wildlife.

These individuals who are setting light to transmitters may not necessarily believe in the conspiracy theory that 5G is linked to Covid-19, but most probably just simply believe it isn’t safe and will kill us.

There are thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies that show EMF radiation emitted from wireless technology is dangerous to all living things – 5G Space Appeal, EMF Scientist Appeal and the Lancet among many other scientific journals all state this.

Professor Martin Pall of Bio-chemistry at Washington State University says that we have probably just 5-6 years until a collective collapse in brain function in modern societies.

Rates of alzeheimers, dementia, brain tumors, ADHD and depression closely correlate with the roll-out of wireless technology.

5G will be delivered in low band (approx 3.4Ghz) right upto high band – which is upto 39Ghz.

High band 5G will require antennae every 300 metres – It will also find it difficult to penetrate walls and glass, especially tempered glass. These antennae will be fitted to tops of street lighting.

We are facing an unprecedented exposure to very dangerous levels of microwave radiation that will effect even the writer of this article and his family, if he has one.

EMF radiation according to some research suggests electromagnetic radiation has a a carcinogenic effect is mutagenic ie it changes DNA structures in humans.

Quarantaine radio op woensdag wegens omstandigheden …

Tot nader bericht uitgesteld…




the white rider

(Het leuke van … is weten op reis te zijn