Fwd: patapoe

Subject: Re: patapoe

 Bij deze de nieuwe stand (1 augustus 2017) en de oproep dat er betaald moet worden want de OT schuld loopt te ver op. Dan gaan ze weer zeuren en zo

even weer een financieel praatje over PtP. Over de afgelopen maanden is er nog steeds te weinig geld binnen gekomen. Ik heb minstens 750 nodig, dat is 725 voor de OT periode januari tot en met 1 augustus en dan komt ook weer de telefoonrekening a 200 euro voor de peper bovendrijven. Ondertussen heb ik 405 euro in de kas zitten. Dit zijn de stortingen op NL54INGB0003469126 en de kluis. Voor deze giro-rekening ga ik electronisch betalen regelen zodat ik beter kan zien wie er wat gestort heeft. Want ik werk nu nog met afschriften, maar de ING stuurt die zeer onregelmatig en soms ook niet op. Daarom nog geen lijst, maar als de DJ bij zichzelf te raden gaan, dan weten ze wel of ze voldoende dan wel nog niet betaald hebben. Maar het zou wel wenselijk zijn als er voor het einde van deze maand minstens 300 a 350 euro in de PtP kas wordt gestort


met groet Tom


Fwd: TRANSEUROPA 2017 – Convergent Spaces is ready!

European Alternatives

We are very excited to launch today the new website of TRANSEUROPA 2017!

TRANSEUROPA is an unusual artistic and political festival that attracts active participants from across Europe through a descentralised event in one city. The 2017 edition, Convergent Spaces, will take place in the city of Madrid from the 25th – 29th of October.


We think it is time to open spaces for dialogue and exchange for the creation and improvement of the social, political and artistic reality that is being built in Europe. TRANSEUROPA will run over five days around three main thematics: Europe as a Refuge, Cities of Change and the Commons. It will combine a mix of formats ranging from lectures, participative workshops, artistic performances, cinema, concerts and political debates.

Sounds interesting? You can already apply to participate in one of the workshops or apply to run your own event in your city in TRANSEUROPA Open! Discover more here.

In the coming weeks we will share more details on the rest of the program: open debates, exhibitions and artistic performances.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Telegram to stay updated about our upcoming Festival, and do not forget to share the news within your network!

We hope to see you in Madrid in October!

European Alternatives works to promote democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation state. We imagine, demand and enact alternatives for a viable future for Europe


Transit in Hamburg

0d0a schaltet von fcmc nach fsk usw. Bleib dran auf https://radiopatapoe.nl:8000/raspberryhat . UnsereWelt nicht die Welt der wenigen … Abschalten kann man ja immer! 



consensusdecisionmaking posted: ” 4 Afghan men are facing direct deportation to Afghanistan, something that didn’t happen since 2009 in France. All of them have been arrested at the train station of Calais on May 10th, and transfered to the Mesnil-Amelot detention center near Paris. 4 f”


Presse Mitteilung

pressekonferenz der G20 Gegner
16. Juni 2017

*G20 Gegner veranstalten letzte Aktionskonferenz in der Roten Flora*
*Einladung zum Pressekonferenz*

Samstag, 17. Juni 2017, 19h*
*Vor der Roten Flora (***Achid***i-John-Platz 1, 20357 Hamburg)*
HAMBURG Am Samstag findet die letzte Aktionskonferenz der G20 Gegner mit

dem Motto ‘3-2-1-GO: Kick Off für die Aktionen gegen G20’ in der Roten

Flora statt. Es werden mehrere Hundert Aktivistinnen aus dem ganzen

Bundesgebiet und europäischen Gästen erwartet. Im Anschluss werden die

Organisatoren auf der Pressekonferenz um 19h Statements zum Stand ihrer

Aktionspläne abgeben und für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen.
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an diesem Gespräch teilzunehmen.
Vorraussichtlich werden u.a. die Organisatoren folgender Aktionen an der

Pressekonferenz auftreten:
‘AllesAllen’ Nachttanzdemonstration am 5.7.2017
‘Welcome to Hell’ Demonstration am 6.7.2017
‘BlockG20’ Blockadeaktion am 7.7.
Bildungsstreikbündnis mit ‘Jugend gegen G20’
Großdemonstration ‘Grenzenlose Solidarität statt G20’ am 8.7.2017

Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass die Aktionskonferenz selbst nicht

presseöffentlich ist.
Weiter Informationen zur Demonstration unter  www.g20hamburg.org


Van de penningmeester

dag allen. het is weer zo een beetje de halfjaarlijkse collecte van de ptp penningen. Ik heb momenteel 375 in kas, de lijst stuur ik mee, maar ik heb minstens 700 euro nodig voor de OT en DDS. De OT is 625 per half jaar en dds is plus minus 150 per half jaar. Bijn geen enkel programma heeft diens 90 euro per half jaar betaald dus het wordt weer tijd voor de nodige stortingen

groet Tom

What makes Corbyn different



vh Taal & teken.

From http://android.vshare.com/Radio-Patapoe-Live-Stream-App

Listen to Amsterdams Radio Patapoe’s Live Stream with this app.In 1985 a -punkrock only- radio station was started under the doomsday name “Dood” (Death). The punks slogan for the shows was “insult as much people as you can”When the station stopped throwing their (non) politics in the air two years later because of different people wanting to use the station for egotrips a small group decided it was time f or something new.Starting in 1988 under the dangerous name “Revolutionaire Radio Vereniging” (Revolutionairy Radio group) this would turn out to be the station we have now.In the same squat as where “Death” ended “Patapoe” was started, using the same mixer and alot of the same people behind the mixer, but with lots of new musical and non-musical programmes. People didn’t want to just play the same punksongs over and over again, for some those three guitar chords came out of their nose by now. The spirit to annoy the nice, clean family types still remained, but as scared as people used to be when punks walked by them the punks were now seen as a bunch of kids with funny clothing. Same with radio. People used to listen just because they could put it down and insult the programmakers, now they just turned it off and didn’t listen.There were strict rules about having a show and what to do for it. There was a person to open the door for the programmakers who also took care of the empty spaces between D.J’s so there woudn’t be any snow transmision on the radio. Every programmaker had a monthly payment to pay to the doorman that would be used for new equipment in times of things breaking down.”De uilenburcht”,the squat where Patapoe was located was soon to be squashed down to the ground so the people had to look for a new place to stay. This place was found in the “Graansilo”, another old building that was lived in by squatters.The people from the first moment starting getting difficulties with organising and getting things togheter. After a while everything bursted out into total chaos. There was no door(wo)man, no one took care of there being money to get stuff so after a year or two the turntables didn’t work anymore, tapedecks were in desperate need of replacement, a CD-player was even stolen and less people wanted anything to do with Patapoe, which by the way was called after a litlle doggie from an old Sonja single.It could even get worse.
The new, young punks had found a new place after the “Graansilo” was to be bombed away as well as the first “Uilenburcht”. The old folks gave the torch to the young folks and they started building up a room in the squat called “Albert Zuyp”. The new self titled technician fucked up when the police transmitter was being entered every time we were in the air. Within a week the station was taken out of the air.This technician went on thinking he was the boss and when a new place was found it was decided he needed to be kicked out. His way was doing everything on his own or with people that weren’t involved with the station. Along the way from the “zuyp” to the new, to be remained secret, place communication started getting better again through the new electronic ways and through meetings. Everybody is involved in building up this great station that show you can make underground happenings get big in a small way.Along the way there were two problems: Patapoe needed money for new equipment and second the listeners didn’t know it excisted anymore. The squatters movement was gone and this was the time to get them back. A benefit with big Amsterdam punkbands was organised and flyers were given away. Months later a second benefit was done with less flyers and the whole scene was there. This is something we can count on now. One call and there’s a whole squatscene coming over to help in need of help.Next to the punks, the shows are various. From interviews with soundartists, ambient soundscapes to ninetees versions of those programs that started in 1985. Patapoe still in the air

Crimintern: How the Kremlin uses Russia’s criminal networks in Europe


Mark Galeotti posted: “My latest report for the ECFR is out. While I am waiting for the bidding war for the film rights, I’ll settle for pointing people in its direction – you can download it free here – and offer up the summary: Over the past 20 years, the role of Russian or”

De Correspondent: interview met professor Jacobs

Dismantling neoliberal education: a lesson from the Zapatistas

the white rider

(Het leuke van … is 

Just what?

Remarkable in Patapoe’s playlist this week (listen till you hear this!)


The trip
